
Subject to the provisions of the Trade Practices Act 1974 and subject to any other non excludable statutory provisions, Badger Park Pty Ltd t/as Caravan Park Brokers QLD of 28 Swan Street Mackay, Qld 4740, for themselves including any employee thereof, and for the Vendors of this property for whom they act on behalf of, hereby give notice that;

1. All information given in relation to this property whether contained in this document or otherwise, is given without any responsibility being accepted for the accuracy thereof and the attention of any intending purchaser/s is drawn to the rest of this disclaimer.

2. Intending purchaser/s should satisfy themselves as to the truth or accuracy of all information given by either their own inspections, searches, inquiries, advice’s or as is otherwise necessary.

3. No person in the employ of Badger Park Pty Ltd t/as Caravan Park Brokers Qld has any authority to give or make any representations or warranty in relation to this property.

Badger Park Pty Ltd t/as Caravan Park Brokers QLD has prepared this report solely for intending purchaser/s to assist them in deciding whether they are sufficiently interested in the property offered.  If any person/s is so interested it is up to that person/s to proceed with further investigations of the property to satisfy themselves in all respects.  The information provided by Badger Park Pty Ltd t/as Caravan Park Brokers QLD does not constitute all or any part of a Contract of Sale; it is simply a guide only.

Any projection or estimate that is made in respect of net income is an example only.  It may represent one of many possible resolutions depending upon assumptions.  Any intending purchaser/s is/are advised to take separate advice and intending purchaser/s are specifically advised that Badger Park Pty Ltd t/as Caravan Park Brokers QLD do not hold themselves out as giving advice in this matter.  Badger Park Pty Ltd t/as Caravan Park Brokers QLD are agents for the Vendor/s.  Any intending purchaser/s requiring advice should seek such advice from his or her own Accountant, Solicitor or such other professional adviser.